First Day Frenzy: NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month

Wednesday, November 110:00 AM—7:30 PMLarge Meeting RoomHamilton-Wenham Public Library14 Union Street, South Hamilton, MA, 01982

Come for a special ALL DAY WRITE-IN!  Get cracking on your novel and make a powerful start to a month of writing intensity and camaraderie.  Come when you can, leave when you like.  Just be prepared to write, write, write.  

Further information: There will be coffee - otherwise, bring your own snacks and drinks, and keep it easy cleanup.  Visit our library's National Novel Writing Month page to learn more about NaNoWriMo at the Hamilton-Wenham Public Library.  Contact Sarah Lauderdale, Head of Reference, with any questions (, 978-468-5577 x619)

Can't come in person?  This event is hybrid! 

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 4093 5532
Passcode: 613643

No Registration Required