Together on Tuesdays: LEGO Build

Tuesday, October 63:30—4:30 PMRecreation Dept. GymHamilton-Wenham Public Library14 Union Street, South Hamilton, MA, 01982

This program will take place outside, under the Recreation Dept. tent. Space is limited; pre-registration is required; one registration for each child. Children must remain masked and distanced throughout the length of the program; hand sanitizer will be available. All supplies will be provided for each individual child registered.

This program is designed for children 6 -12 years old who are comfortable remaining throughout the program independently. We ask that their caregivers remain accessible via phone. Please arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to the start of the program, and be available for pick-up 10 minutes prior to the conclusion of the program. Registering children online via our event calendar is confirmation that children and their caregivers agree to safety precautions and verify the good health of the participants (no COVID-19 symptoms, no fever). If you are feeling ill, awaiting the results for a COVID-19 test, or have come in contact with someone that has tested positive or is awaiting the results of a test, please join us another time.

Registration for this event has now closed.